What is Venus Odyssey?

A roleplaying game placed in the mythos. Venus Odyssey aims to combine the ancient gambling game of Tali with modern roleplaying expectations. 

Characters are made of three attributes: Virtus, Astutia, and Ratio. The Orator assigns them tests as they create the adventure together and face mythological foes.

Example of Play:

Leo is in combat with a living skeleton. The skeleton will wound Leo on a Virtus Test of one or less. Leo has 3 Virtus, so he rolls 3 four-sided dice. The dice show 1, 2, and 2 – for a count of 2. Since he rolled outside of the skeleton’s wound range, nothing bad happens. 

A second skeleton rises from the mud, and swipes at Leo. This time, he rolls all 2's for a result of 1. Since the skeleton wounds on a result of one or less, Leo is now wounded. 

Leo attacks the skeleton, and tests his Virtus, he rolls a count of 3. Because the skeleton’s Total to Defeat was 2, the skeleton is defeated. 

The second skeleton slashes at Leo again, and again, he tests his Virtus for a count of 1. Since Leo is wounded, and the skeleton’s Wounds to Kill is 1, Leo dies at the hand of the second skeleton.