What is Delve?

Instead of focusing on what a character can do, we ask them what they want to do. Players and Game Masters play to enjoy their time at the table and tell a story. By removing hundreds of different limiting options, and introducing more opportunity for character individualization through achievement, Delve clearly defines its intent for simple and fast-paced play.

Updates and Changes

Delve 2.3 - What's next?

Delve 2.2 - Officially on itch.io!

Delve 2.1 - Redefining Design

Delve 2.0 - Fresh Start

Delve 1.9

Delve 1.8

Delve 1.7

Delve 1.6

Delve 1.5

Delve 1.4

Delve 1.3

Delve 1.2

Delve 1.1

Delve 1.0

Quick Character Roller