An unfaithful and unforgiving take on the traditional tabletop roleplaying game.
Vetted and tweaked over one year of regular play - and still counting.
Introduces an innovative spell word system.
Features regular changes with an experimental method of tabletop development
What is Delve?
Instead of focusing on what a character can do, we ask them what they want to do. Players and Game Masters play to enjoy their time at the table and tell a story. By removing hundreds of different limiting options, and introducing more opportunity for character individualization through achievement, Delve clearly defines its intent for simple and fast-paced play.
Updates and Changes
Delve 2.3 - What's next?
Calling changes
The Mystic calling is being finalized and play-tested.
The Sage calling has been updated to include the current list of deities.
Game Master changes
Dungeon-building toolkit is being developed and finalized.
Monster-building toolkit is being started.
Document changes
Standardized all charts.
Delve 2.2 - Officially on!
Delve is now available to download for free on!
Document changes
Grammar corrections, formatting updates, formatting standardization.
Updated charts and layout of character creation.
Calling Changes
Removal of the Mystic calling until the wording is finished.
Updated the Fighter to feature heraldry.
Updated the Gnome's spell list.
Delve 2.1 - Redefining Design
Document changes
Refocused description of game philosophy and purpose.
Removed all images from third parties.
Gameplay changes
Review of Armor Point system.
Review of downtime options and gameplay loop outside of combat.
Calling Changes
Added the Gnome - a nature spellcaster and thief archetype.
Delve 2.0 - Fresh Start
Document changes
Complete overhaul of document contents.
Added glossary for all gameplay terms.
Gameplay changes
Overhaul of all callings.
Overhaul of all gameplay terms and definitions.
Removal of Capabilities and Calling Capabilities.
Introduction of Skills and a more front facing player experience.
Delve 1.9
Document changes
Grammar corrections.
Gameplay changes
Tweaked spell word costs and treasure determination.
Modified Elf and Gnome racial bonuses.
Delve 1.8
Document changes
Removed additional callings section from the end of the document.
Gameplay changes
Tweaked Hit Point values for all characters for a more standardized experience.
Lowered every cost on the Spell Cost table.
Delve 1.7
Document changes
Grammar corrections, formatting changes.
Gameplay changes
Changed list of available spell words.
Changed the list of starting equipment.
Delve 1.6
Document changes
Added pages of rough content to be edited later.
Gameplay changes
Added race options (dwarf, elf, gnome).
Changed ability score generation.
Modified character generation experience to be more of a focus.
Calling changes
Removed the Adventurer Calling. This is due to the niche being overworked and too specific. Perhaps this will return later or as an optional calling listed at the end of the document.
Delve 1.5
Gameplay changes
Changed the boons/banes list for character creation.
Added additional rules for armor repair based on feedback.
Added options for downtime outside of combat.
Content changes
Added additional information regarding the setting - The Jadeite Vale.
Delve 1.4
Document changes
Grammar corrections.
Calling changes
Shifted the Brute calling to a thief/tank niche, rather than a support archetype.
Shifted the Adventurer calling to fit a dungeoneering thief archetype.
Content changes
Added additional information regarding the setting - The Jadeite Vale.
Delve 1.3
Gameplay changes
Added Fate Points and rules for death.
Updated the list of equipment and items available during character creation.
Content changes
Added an optional campaign setting - The Jadeite Vale.
Calling changes
Updated the spell word list for Sages to be static based on their deity.
Delve 1.2
Document changes
Grammar corrections and reformatting to fit a better margin/print scheme.
Calling changes
Created the Paladin (Fighter) calling to fit the archetype of a knightly hero.
Created the Shaman (Ranger) calling to fit the archetype of a nature mage.
Delve 1.1
Document changes
Grammar corrections and reformatting to fit a better margin/print scheme.
Calling changes
Updated the spell word list for Mystics and Sages.
Added additional boons granted to devote Sages upon reaching certain milestones - such as ascension and sainthood.
Delve 1.0
Official Announcement
Delve RPG is available to download. Changes to the document will be tracked in this log and updated when a new 'version' comes out.
Delve RPG is frequently playtested for continuous feedback.
Quick Character Roller